The combination of dry, heated indoor air and frigid outdoor air in winter can lead to health and HVAC system complications. Additionally, you may find it difficult to remain comfortable indoors due to irritations and allergic reactions. This post explores reasons why you need a humidifier this winter in your Madison, VA home.

1. Prevents Airborne Diseases

Viruses and bacteria in the air move faster in dry air, leading to the quick spread of airborne diseases. According to one study, a humidity level above 43% reduced the pathogens’ survival rate by approximately 85%.

Moisture content in the air quickly bonds with airborne pathogens, making them too heavy to float. The pathogens drop to the ground, reducing the spread of airborne respiratory diseases.

2. Prevents Dryness

The human body relies on water to keep the skin healthy. When the surrounding air is too dry, your skin loses much of its moisture to the atmosphere. Without some moisture in the air, you will suffer from itchy skin, chapped lips and eye irritations.

Older humidifiers had a problem of including excessive moisture indoors, creating issues with mites and bacterial growth. However, technological advancement in the HVAC industry brought about improved humidity levels in humidifiers. This shift ensures you enjoy better comfort without worrying about allergic reactions from organisms like mites.

4. Damage Prevention

Loss of moisture causes furniture, floor molding and wood to deteriorate. Without moisture in the air, you may start to observe wobbles on the furniture or cracks in wooden doors as the joints loosen. Yet, properly using a humidifier can help keep your furniture and wood features at their optimal best.

To learn more about how you can improve your indoor air quality, contact Duct-Rite Mechanical. We are experts in HVAC installations, repairs and maintenance.

Image provided by iStock

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