Knowing whether you should repair or replace your heat pump in Madison, VA, can be difficult. Sometimes, a simple repair will get your system up and running again; if it’s time to replace it, however, there will be signs. Read on to learn about when to replace instead of repair your heat pump.

Your Heat Pump Is Old

If you’ve been maintaining your heating system, it can last for 10-20 years. At around the 15-year mark, however, it’s likely that you’ll begin to see a less efficient system that is less effective keeping you warm over the winter and cool over the summer.

One that’s starting to show its age will simply be less efficient. There may be warm and cool spots in your house, for example. Or, your heat pump may take a longer period of time to get to the temperature you set.

Frequent Repairs

Usually, technicians can perform repairs on your HVAC system and have it up and running again in no time. However, if you notice that you constantly have low refrigerant levels, you may have a leak. Frequent mechanical issues are a clear sign that you should look into getting a new heat pump.

Replacing worn-out parts all the time is yet another indicator that it may be time to replace your HVAC system. If your repairs start adding up so that they cost more than 50% of a replacement, it’s time to replace your it.

The weather in Madison, VA, can be extreme, and a working HVAC system is simply a necessity. If you feel that yours can no longer keep up with the climate, it’s time to replace it instead of trying to fix it.

Need help with your HVAC system? Contact our team at Duct-Rite Mechanical LLC to discuss installing a new heat pump. We offer both repair and installation services.

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